Sunday, 16 December 2012


Imagine a life that is LIMITLESS.
No limits at all. To what you can do, to where you can go and what you can eat and how u dress or how u DON’T.
Ours is a life that is involved in putting as much effort in our day-to-day activities and responsibilities. We can and never should run away from them. Responsibilities and Routine is what gives our lives meaning. They are what hold us to the ground and gives our lives a sense of rhythm, and surety. It helps us to not feel chaotic and meaningless. Nomadic. It gives us a sense of belonging.
But sometimes it limits us. Actually mostly it limits us. We look around and find ourselves viewing our lives as a seamless list of endless responsibilities and routine. We get to work and come back home with a mind full of To-Dos. And we let time elapse and overlap with things that give us joy .
Imagine everything that you could do, if you woke up an hour earlier than usual before work. Could you have cycled/ or just gone for a run? Or maybe just read a book or wrote something down? Would it have made your life more rounded? Would you have felt more fulfilled? Would the day seem more gratifying? I think my answer is yes. It would. There would be a colour that I would have added to my Lifes canvas. And It would look beautiful at the end of the day when I finished my painting
Get up and RUN. Every morning or every evening; whatever suits you.
Be happy because NOONE is allowed to steal that happiness away from you.
Fill your life with habits that will make you more productive, those that will help you improve your life.
Im going to do something here.
Im going to Get up everyday and walk. Walk/Run for awhile and feel limitless. And I am going to write.

How are you going to get Limitless?