Thursday, 25 July 2013

A Story I am chasing

In the pauses of my day
I watched the rain. 
A void i had to fill, a story I was chasing. 

A chase never ends. 
What ends is the joy,that which the object of chase provides. 
Like a bend on the longest road, on one of your longest runs. 
And at that next bend, you find new joy.

Sometimes i want to let go of the running
i want to stroll, stop, linger and sit down on the way. 
Breathe the cold wet ground, and the sounds of my universe
And feel the rains, settling down the restlessness that's pulling at my skin. 

But then i know ill wither. 
And just like the rain, ill grow weary of the days ill spend stagnating
And little by little, my heart-ache will turn into a void. 
A void ill need to fill, a story ill need to chase. 

And so ill chase. Knowing it never ends, 
And ill run like i never did, on the longest winding roads
Because ill carry my joy in my heart, and not let it rest in the eyes of my object
With my eyes set on the rainbow, as the rain falls. 
A void ill fill, a story ill make.