Monday, 30 June 2014

Decisiveness & Simplicity

There is great value in simplicity. And I discovered this simple yet profound truth today. Its amazing how on a ordinary day, extra-ordinary things happen. While I was the Guide to my sister in law ( chechi) in her journey to work this morning, I failed to realize it was she that was guiding me. And heres what she taught me.
Lesson 1: Make a decision. Not making a decision, is still making one
“ Life is about making decisions. Stay away from those who cannot make decisions—ones who remain unsure or ones who change their mind about what they decide at the drop of a hat”
I think about the ones who don't make decisions—they are just too scared. Questions like 'what if i regret my decision? OR ' Have i spent enough time thinking about it?' engulfs them everytime they tare required to make a choice. It keeps them stuck, in the same place of inaction and never lets them ‘Act’ or ‘Do’
And if your life depends on a person who is a source of this in-decision, your life will pretty much hang in there too. You will be confused, scared and insecure, since you cannot fathom what the output of this indecisive person’s state of confusion will be.

Lesson 2: Be Simple and Be proud of your value systems.
We are made up of all the belief systems we harbor and live our lives by. But as we grow up, we are introduced to a plethora of new ideas, radical/exciting thoughts and broader horizons. Whilst being flexible and open to newer ideas opens up our life and makes our life worth living; sometimes we just forget what value systems we uphold.
Our rights and our wrongs are the ones that we define, in the way that we define for ourselves. And its important to keep reminding ourselves of the value systems that we uphold.
Pearls of wisdom Chechi-thank you for the beautiful metro ride.  J