Monday, 16 November 2015

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye 
To someone you love 
Is like reading the final page 
Of an amazing book. 

As the last chapter ends
You begin to notice 
Just how beautiful 
And perfect
The plot always was.  

You appreciate the joy 
And even the pain 
As you read and thumb
Through every page. 

Finally understanding 
The moral of the story, 
You realize you've reached
The end of this journey. 

Although the last sentence  
Is the most difficult to read
Another great book awaits 
Once you turn the final page. 

Eventually you may stumble 
Upon yet another great find.
Or maybe you'll return 
To the book you left behind.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Haiku : Gravity

You are my gravity
Beautiful, I feel grounded
Anchored or Chained.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Those simple things I wish

How I wish you knew the words of the song I wish you would sing for me
The highs and the lows are a little difficult,  I understand,
But they aren't quite,  it's just your mind.
All I need is for u to pour your heart in the verses,
And give them the meaning they deserve to have to have a life.

How I wish you sang them un-melodiously at first,
But loud and clear,  breaking squealing squeaking
Yet confident and warm
All I need is for you to put my heart before your shame, your usual-ness

How I wish you sang to me sometimes,  when I haven't even asked you yet
And surprise me with the chords you have chased,  practised nights in a row
And sang a song only for me,  not for the audience,  Your intimate ones.

How I wish you brought be flowers before your performance,
Those imperfect red roses,  and your best shoes worn out,
And you sang,  like you have never sung before,
A song for the cuckoo's soul, alone and free.

The Writing Project_Reluctance

How you touch my heart,
With a reluctance, of selfish charm,
And leave me to wither.

This is the fourth part of the Writing Project in collaboration with kapil,  we started a few weeks back. We choose a word every week and write our take on it.  This week the word is 'Reluctance'. I've tried writing a Haiku poem,  a Japanese poetry style of 5-7-5 syllables here.

Monday, 2 November 2015

The Writing Project_Gap

Between you and me.
The coloumn of air,  as you pull me close to you,
the waist and your embrace, isn't close enough.

As you hold my fingers,
That grasp and yet the not-so-firm grasp,
Your fingertips and mine, aren't close enough.

Your words when they meet mine,
Tell me a story in pieces, some simple, some convoluted,
Though they aren't yet close enough.

Yet when u hold me close,  I can hear it
That heartbeat,  those fingers at my skin
And there is a gap no more.

Yet when your fingers touch mine, I can feel it,
Those thoughts of genuine caress, as you kiss me,
And  there is a gap no more.

Yet between you and me,  those unsaid words remain,
Even after we have talked for eternity,
You know my heart as I know yours,
And there is a gap no more. 

This is the third part of The Writing Project with Kapil Pilankar, wherein we choose words and write our take on it. The word this time was 'Gap'. It was quite challenging to write this one, done my part here. For Kapil's look at the Gap, please click on the link below