Thursday, 2 May 2013

Walk on the Water

Little Faith.
I always hoped. I hoped in hope.
When the sun did not shine, for the clouds to subside
When the tears never stopped, for the cheer to pass me by
When the love was lost, to find a new, better one
When the hope was lost, to revive it again.

I hoped again. And this time I hoped in the one to whom hope belongs.
When the sun did not shine, the clouds subsided and the rainbow came
When the tears never stopped, cheer came by and stopped before me.
When the love was lost, at the right time it arrived.
When the hope was lost, He revived it again.

Study your current life situation. Pay attention and understand where you are, what place you are in your job. Or in terms of your family status, your health, your finances, romantic love life? Or anything that you currently are happy about.  Can you connect the dots? Do you ever feel that whatever led you to this consequence in the past was meant to be. All those failures and successes of the past are exactly what led you to what you have today?
You wouldn’t have had the job you have today, hadn’t you been rejected for a few job interviews in the past. You might have never ever met the love of your life, hadn’t you broken up with all those girls in the past( or the other way round),think of all those who you thought were mean, and you had differences with. So If you haven’t yet had your share of happiness, your share of the ‘ive made it!’ moment, its not over yet. The dots haven’t been joined and the picture is yet to take shape. Because when it will, everything will make sense.
And what takes us and strengthens us in these ‘I want it so badly – Cant have it yet- this is perfect- I’ve lost this- nothing makes sense-to a wow! This is finally making sense’ moment?
Before you guffaw and run through this post with the exact opposite feeling of disbelief and distrust, let me stop you just for ONE moment. Do you think FAITH is difficult to sustain? What if you see no signs from the Universe or GOD or the super power , that life will get better. Your ridiculously irrational Boss and your pathetically selfish co-workers are making your life miserable and the job sites refuse to throw up a job that pays you well and respects the skill you think are rusting at your current place of work?
Can someone sustain Faith when, right from valentine’s day cards to product commercials to Chick flicks and Sitcoms are ALL blaring with smiling couples staring at you with a hint of sympathy and proclaiming to the world how ‘True love’ has redeemed their lives.
I don’t think Ill be out of the line if I say, YES. You know why? Because Faith comes naturally to us. God put it there, because he wanted us to believe and Believing is everything. BELIEVING IS EVERYTHING.
‘Having Faith’ is one of the few things God taught us when we were made alive. Have you ever observed a child? If you haven’t, please go out,, go meet a friend’s kid, if you don’t have one of your own. Go out, go to an orphanage. And just talk to them. Play and read out stories. And they will teach you what Faith is all about. Toss them up in the air and for a brief second look at them when you wait for them to fall back into your hands.
Name that emotion in their eyes. And name that emotion causing a flutter in your inners.   
I hope you’ll find the answer.

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