Monday, 13 April 2015

The Unaffordable Self Love paradigm

Its simple. 

Its not how you dress, or how your hair looks. 

It is not the Clarks or a Hill road kolhapuri. 

The Fossil or a Thai Fossil

Your bad vocabulary or a few loaned words

poor Skilled or Skilled poorly

It doesnt matter. 

It doesnt matter except to you. 

It matters to you and tips the scale 

of self love and acceptance

It builds and stalls your anxieties 

of strange glances and uncomfortable pitch

As though all the lies they screamed through the Screen told you, are true. 

They lied, you believed. 

Who needs to pay a price for self esteem?

Who worries if self love is affordable?

Who cares if we succeed with both?

They lied, and we will not believe. 

Peace, Confidence & Love are as free as the Stars. 

And naked we embrace all of it. 

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